viernes, 27 de julio de 2007

MILEY 4ever


dejo una fotto dee un conciertoo que sho no vi ( todavia )

perrroo esss muyy lindaaa wuennnoo hoyy no mass tengo 15 minutoss :Ss

perrroo loss aprovechhoo para postear unas fotoss de elllaa que estann muyy lindass ¡¡¡

hoyyy toyy medddioo kansadaa perroo = deejjo letraa

bone dance * :

Everybody knows the bones just had to find a way
Everybody knows what I’m talking about
That’s how I get an A.
My body has many parts
And this is where it starts.
Phalanges I have 10
And many Tarsles then.
I have tarsles too
I put them in my shoe
The fibula is next
according to my test
Then comes the tibia that is not fibia
And know I’m up to my knee
That’s the patella to me
We’re doing the bone dance
we study the answers
again and again till I get it right
We’re doing the bone dance
We dance and we learn it
and we won’t mess up this test
We’ll get it perfect
And now I take it home
with the par idle bone
it might be crazy but we learn that way
Temporal and Frontal too
And we’re finally through
Now that’s 206
I found a way that clicks
We’re doing the bone dance
we study the answers
again and again till I get it right
We’re doing the bone dance
we dance and we learn it
and we won’t mess up this test
We’ll get it perfect
Hannah Montana 2

_____________*_*_MiLeY FaN_*_*________

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